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Tips to help you in writing a plagiarism-free original content

Content marketing has a pretty important role to play in growing a business or a trademark. Giving valuable and relevant information can boost your page traffic considerably and thus firms put a lot of work into providing high-quality content.

The Internet is a huge database, and you can find almost everything online. Numerous online portals use content marketing to build their brand and a very important focus is put on creating original and unmatched content.

Now, writing plagiarism free content can be quite a difficult thing for many people, while some can do it easily. Here we have provided some tips to assist you in writing plagiarism-free original content.

1. Adjust content

One big mistake which a lot of people nowadays making is using auto content rewriting tools that are available for free on the internet. I suggest you to not use any of those because if you do they will destroy the focus concept of the article and make it useless for search engines like google or bing.

Google offers a myriad of information. It is a big source to collect data and information. You can gather relevant information from different blogs and pages and modify the information to create your original and plagiarism free content. The best way to remove plagiarism is by using any grammar software to correct the grammar and by replacing random words with their synonyms.

You can try Grammarly free trial to rewrite an error-free content.

2. Do practice of plagiarism examiners

There are many online plagiarism detection tools like grammar checker, which you can use to check the uniqueness of your content. There are several free websites where you can check the plagiarism in your article and if your content displays any plagiarism, you can revise and edit it to make it different.

3. Google synonyms

While rewriting any type of content, you can make it unique and plagiarism-free by adding synonyms of some words from the primary article. Changing content using synonyms can eliminate the duplicity from your article and consequently make it plagiarism free.

4. Change the adjectives

Along with using synonyms, you can also modify adjectives to remove plagiarism from your content. Building exclusive content indicates eliminating any kind of duplicity. Then along with using synonyms, change the attributes to get plagiarism-free, unique content.

5. Turn words into numbers/digits

Every once in a while, you will be asked to rewrite existing content. To eliminate the chances of plagiarism, you can convert the numbers from the articles. Say if the number in the source article is given in words, you can write them in digits in your article and vice versa. Now, you don’t have to follow this law every single time. But you can do it wherever and whenever it appears suitable.

6. Use correct punctuations

You might think that all the content available on the internet is properly punctuated, but that is not the case many times. A lot of content available online is incorrectly punctuated. You can take advantage of these incorrectly punctuated articles and use the proper punctuations to prepare a unique and plagiarism free content. 

Plagiarism ruins the online reputation of your brand and you don’t want any of your customers to lose trust in you. If you are someone who struggles with writing a plagiarism free content then surely these tips will help you to compose unique, innovative and plagiarism free content that everyone will love reading.

