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Home » Top 5 Attar/Ittar – Perfume For Men

Top 5 Attar/Ittar – Perfume For Men

The Attar/Ittar was also very much liked by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

In Islam, Attar/Ittar enjoys Sunnah’s status. That is why every person who goes to offer prayers likes to go only by applying Attar/Ittar.

There are thousands of fragrances in the market. Many of them often fail to choose the best brand and fragrance for themselves. Because the Attar/Ittar at the store gives you 3-4 fragrances to test. 

After this, we start to get confused about whether this one was better or the earlier one was better. Even if you like it, come home and feel that the Attar/Ittar with that bottle was better.

We will try to simplify this concern in every house in this article. Because in this article I will give you information about the 5 best Attar/Ittar for men.

Best Attar/Ittar for Men 

Herbal and executive Attar/Ittar are considered good for men. By the way, there is no addition of old and traditional fragrances. Because these are classic as well as familiar. Their fragrance is also sharp and mild. 

But if you are looking for a unique and pleasing fragrance, you should opt for a fragrance that blends traditional fragrance with aromatic flowers and a unique fragrance of aromatic spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. These notes add variety and speed to the Attar/Ittar and also increase the strength to last longer. 

The choice of Attar/Ittar depends on everyone’s own choice. In this article, I will only give you information about the most famous Attar/Ittar’s brand. They are the best sellers in the Attar/Ittar market with many positive reviews.

1: Al Haramain Madinah

Al Haramain Madinah

It is a fragrant and alcohol-free Attar/Ittar. This brand is one of the world’s most famous and premium quality Attar/Ittar oil brands. Scent, orchid, rose, jasmine, saffron, sandalwood, and cedarwood are found in the fragrance of this Attar/Ittar.  

This Attar/Ittar smells very like flowers. Anyone can fall in love with the fragrance of this Attar/Ittar. This luxurious Attar/Ittar comes in a very beautiful glass bottle. The bottle has a roll-on and a screw cap. This Attar/Ittar gives a very powerful scent. It is also the best Attar/Ittar to apply in summer.

2: Al Haramain Hajar

Al Haramain Hajar

If you are looking for a strong fragrance Attar/Ittar that will become your strong statement throughout the day, then Herman Hazar can be the perfect choice for you. This Attar/Ittar has the perfect blend of a lot of fragrances, which gives you a great and statement-worthy fragrance. 

One drop of this Attar/Ittar is enough to give you freshness throughout the day. Even if you are preparing to go on a date or you are getting ready to go to a function during the night, then this Attar/Ittar is best for you. This Attar/Ittar comes in a very beautiful glass bottle. The bottle has a roll-on and a screw cap.

3: Al Haramain Musk

Al Haramain Musk

If you are looking for a sweet, light fragrance and refreshing but durable and musky notes, then this Attar/Ittar is for you. This Attar/Ittar comes in White Musk Variety. 

Although there are many Attar/Ittar in the market in the white masque variety, you will find this variety and brand of Attar/Ittar above all else. The fragrance of Al Harman Musk gives a feeling of dullness and peace. This musky Attar/Ittar is unisex and it can be used by both men and women.

4: Al Haramain Badar

Al Haramain Badar

Al Harman’s Badar is a traditional and unisex Attar/Ittar. Notes of patchouli, amber, masque, honey, lavender, and rose are found in this Attar/Ittar. These beautiful Attar/Ittar come with Western attitudes even after being traditional.

The fragrance of this Attar/Ittar is full of freshness, with the aroma of flowers as well as hints of patchouli and honey. This Attar/Ittar is prepared on a white masque base. Although this Attar/Ittar has a powerful attraction even after being unisex.

The fragrance of this Attar/Ittar is unique and is great for summer. However, like the Attar/Ittar mentioned earlier, its fragrance will not support you all day. But it is the best Attar/Ittar for you in a variety of mild fragrance. This Attar/Ittar comes with a roll-on in a glass bottle.

5: Attar Al Kaaba

Haramain Attar Al Kaaba

This luxurious Attar/Ittar oil is considered the best in the Al Harman range. If you like the scent of wood, then this is for you.

The Attar/Ittar Al Kaaba has a very high status in the Arabic tradition. Gifting this Attar/Ittar is considered a symbol of respect and quality. This Attar/Ittar contains the sensual and peace-giving combination of agarwood, rose, masque, and saffron. 

The fragrance of the Attar/Ittar al-Kaaba is considered strong. But women can also use it. The fragrance of this Attar/Ittar also lasts for a long time.

To read the history of perfume and know the facts read this article.

Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
