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Home » How to reduce cholesterol and open the heart’s arteries

How to reduce cholesterol and open the heart’s arteries

Cholesterol misuse leads to artery closure, which results in slow or steady blood flow and raises the risk of a heart attack.


Today we will tell you how to reduce cholesterol and what to do in this situation if you suddenly have severe chest pain. Cholesterol-lowering ingredients

Cholesterol Plaque In Artery
Cholesterol plaque in artery


Ginger dilutes the blood, it naturally decreases pain by 90%.


The element that is present in it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and opens the heart’s shutters.


The antioxidants in it, vitamin C and potassium cleans the blood and increases the resistance to the disease.

Apple vinegar:

It contains 90 types of ingredients that open up all nerves in the body, cleanses the stomach and relieves fatigue.

Use these items this way

1. First, take a cup of lemon juice.

2. Then have a cup of ginger juice.

3. Now take a cup of garlic juice.

4. Then add a cup of apple vinegar to it.

5. And now blend these four on low heat.

When 3 cups are left, refrigerate it. Now add 3 cups of honey to it.

Take 3 tablespoons of this medicine empty stomach in the morning, it will open the arteries.

Note: This article is for general information only, please consult your doctor before applying it.

Some Quotes On The Heart:

❤️‍ “Do whatever it takes to start, to have a healthy heart”

❤️‍ “For a good health’s sake, run, jump, and shake.”

❤️‍ “Minimize red meat to keep a healthy heart beat.”

❤️‍ “It feels so sweet to have a healthy heart beat.”

❤️‍ “Take care of your heart, don’t let it fall apart.”

Home Remedies To Reduce Cholesterol

Keep in mind that there are natural and complementary tips and tricks for heart disease that aim to control the rising level of cholesterol. Not only do they control the levels, but also lower the blood pressure, and aid in keeping the heart healthy.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of natural ways that will help you in reducing high cholesterol from the comfort of your home.

Add Fish Oil Supplements In Your Diet

Omega-3 is found in fish oil supplements, which helps in lowering the increased level of cholesterol. you can rest assured, that your heart will also become healthy and stay fit for a longer period.

Eat Red Yeast Rice

Such rice are made by culturing red rice with yeast. the red rice contains active ingredients that are known to reduce cholesterol. The red yeast rice also control the blood pressure level.

Stanol Supplements

Who says that supplements are bad for your health? Well, supplements such as sterol and stanol aid in lowering the risk of heart diseases. Along with that they also prevent your small intestines from absorbing cholesterol.
